RADE KONCAR TEP as part of the project GREENOVET


RADE KONCAR TEP is part of the project GREENOVET – European VET Excellence Platform for Green Innovation – funded with support from the European Commission.

GREENOVET platform provides a strong link to policy in that it aims to establish and develop excellent curricula in a transnational cooperation platform of Centers of Vocational Excellence to foster VET excellence, to create joint projects between different levels of VET provider and industry, and to raise awareness for VET as a primary career choice.

Aim of the project:

GREENOVET will support development of innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy across Europe, through the establishment of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) in 4 regions: Styria – Austria; Vaasa – Finland; Leiria – Portugal; Skopje Region – North Macedonia, will contribute to the international dimension with strong networks and well-designed interconnections.The consortium aims to foster better understanding and international collaboration between vocational education, academia and practice.

The CoVEs will focus the knowledge, resources and infrastructure of the key stakeholders into the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development.

GREENOVET will provide a platform to interconnect the European VET schools on regional, national and transnational level among them and with key partners in the local innovation and skills ecosystems.


RADE KONCAR TEP will take part of:

  1. Preparation in Strategy Development Workshop in Portugal
  2. Participation in training from world – class experts in Austria
  3. Peer Learning Workshop in Portugal
  4. Peer Learning Workshop in Finland
  5. Coordination Workshop for International Project in Finland
  6. Final Workshop for international Project in Austria
  7. Evaluation and Impact assessment in Austria
  8. Final Conference in Austria
  9. Kick off meeting in Austria in Austria
  10. 2nd Project meeting in Portugal in Portugal
  11. 4th Project meeting in Finland in Finland
  12. 6th Project meeting in Finland in Finland
  13. 7th Project meeting in Portugal in Portugal
  14. Final meeting in Austria in Austria


  1. International competition in Green Innovation Excellence awards and organization
  2. IQA Board Meeting – travel for external members and organizational costs
  3. Regional VET skills of the future: Creating jobs and attracting foreign investors and organizations


Our Project Partners are:

Styria – Austria, full partners:

  • FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences
  • Technische Universität Graz
  • 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH
  • Green Tech Cluster Styria GmbH
  • HTL Bulme Graz-Gösting
  • Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark

Vaasa – Finland, full partners:

  • Vaasan Yliopisto / University of Vaasa
  • Vaasan Kaupunki
  • OY Merinova Technology Centre
  • AB Yrkeshogskolan Vid Abo Akademi / Novia University of Applied Sciences

Leiria – Portugal, full partners:

  • Instituto Politecnico de Leiria / Polytechnic of Leiria
  • Escola Tecnológica, Artística e Profissional de Pombal
  • NERLEI – Associação Empresarial da Região de Leiria

Skopje Region – North Macedonia, full partners:

  • National Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
  • ASUC Boro Petrushevski
  • Macedonian Chambers of Commerce

Styria – Austria, associated partners:

  • AVL List GmbH
  • Eaton Industries (Austria) GmbH
  • Industriellenvereinigung
  • Energie Steiermark AG
  • Steirische Wirtschaftsforderungsgesellschaft mbH
  • Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung


  • For more details please feel free to visit this web:
